Fleur de Sel from M. Gilles Hervy
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Flower of Salt from France
In the simplest terms, Fleur de Sel is the salt from the foam of the seawater. It dissolves easily on the tongue so use it where you want simple, clean flavors to come through. Use this delicate seasoning as a finishing salt - on slices of grilled ribeye, seared scallops or to finish green salads.
This Fleur de Sel is hand-harvested by artisan salt producer M. Gilles Hervy from sea salt from the coast of Brittany, France.
We were pleased to be included in Salt & Wind's Gift Guide: Paris Edition
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Perfect. Just what I was hoping for and frankly, quite a reasonable price for this quality!!!
I have never had a fleur de sel as terrific as this one, and I was in despair when my usual supplier stopped carrying it. (No stores in Chicago carry it.) Market Hall to the rescue! Order process was terrific and fulfillment equally impressive.
Excellent Finishing Salt